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  • How do I book?
    Booking is simple! We request you complete out booking form, so we are able to send you the most accurate proposal possible. Once you've reviewed your proposal you'll need to select your desired package, or request an update should services required or prep location change, then you'll be directed to your client contract, once completed you'll also need to pay your booking fee ($200/artist booked), once all this has been completed and we have received your payment you'll received a booking confirmation and your date and proposal pricing is locked in! WOOHOO, four simple steps. Please note, if you've received a proposal but not yet locked in your booking you will be subject to any pricing updates prior to confirmation. (proposal acceptance, completed contract and booking fee paid).
  • Will you travel to me?
    Yes, for all wedding day, event and spray tanning bookings we come to you, unless otherwise arranged. For trials, you'll need to come to us in Willow Vale, NSW
  • Do you have a minimum booking?
    Yes, We've a four-service minimum (or equivalent value) per artist, for all hair and/or makeup services.
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